I have set up a private discussion forum for serious Bruce Springsteen record and CD collectors. The goal of this forum is not to replace the Greasy Lake collectors subforum or the Facebook collectors group, but an alternative to these back-and-forth emails I have been exchanging with some collectors concerning in-depth discussion about certain Springsteen collectibles.

If you are interested, register on the forum and separately send me an email telling me who you are and what is your username so that I can approve your registration. I cannot explain everything here in this short message, so please let me know by email if you have any questions or comments.

─ Eddy Wehbe


Fox Searchlight Anniversary Album
Fox Searchlight Anniversary Album Italy export
Label (Cat #): Milan (399 635-2)
Format: CD
Country: France
Release date (Original year): 2014 (2014)
01- Regina Spektor: Us
02- Hot Chocolate: You Sexy Thing
03- Jamiroquai: Canned Heat
04- Rolfe Kent: Picnic
05- DeVotchKa: The Winner Is
06- John Murphy: Don Abandons Alice
07- Glen Hansard: Falling Slowly
08- John Murphy: Adagio In D Minor
09- Michael Cera & Ellen Page: Anyone Else But You
10- A.R. Rahman: Jah Hoi
11- Bruce Springsteen: THE WRESTLER
12- Ryan Bingham: The Weary Kind
13- Dido: If I Rise
14- Clint Mansell: A Swan Song (For Nina)
15- Emily Wells: Becomes The Color


This copy was exported to Italy. It has an SIAE sticker. SIAE (Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori) is the Italian copyright collecting agency.


[click thumbnails to download full resolution scans]