I have set up a private discussion forum for serious Bruce Springsteen record and CD collectors. The goal of this forum is not to replace the Greasy Lake collectors subforum or the Facebook collectors group, but an alternative to these back-and-forth emails I have been exchanging with some collectors concerning in-depth discussion about certain Springsteen collectibles.

If you are interested, register on the forum and separately send me an email telling me who you are and what is your username so that I can approve your registration. I cannot explain everything here in this short message, so please let me know by email if you have any questions or comments.

─ Eddy Wehbe


Live Collection II: Born To Run
Live Collection II: Born To Run Issue #1
Label (Cat #): CBS / Sony (28DP 778)
Format: CD
Country: Japan
Release date (Original year): 1987 (1987)
01- JOHNNY 99 [Live]
03- I'M ON FIRE [Live]
04- BOBBY JEAN [Live]
05- BORN TO RUN [Live]

"Live Collection" was originally released on 21 Jun 1987 and "Live Collection II" was originally released on 26 Aug 1987. These are the original issues and they have a red obi and catalogue numbers CBS/SONY 28DP 777 and CBS/SONY 28DP 778.

"Live Collection" and "Live Collection II" were reissued on 21 Sep 1988 with black obi and catalogue numbers 23DP 5248 and 23DP 5249.

Japanese releases have the price printed on the artwork and/or obi. In January 1989 VAT was introduced in Japan, and since then it became legally required that two prices be printed on the obi: the net price excluding VAT and the total price including a fixed 5% VAT. Therefore there are two versions of "Live Collection" and "Live Collection II" with black obi: the ones from before January 1989 have only one price on the obi and the ones from after January 1989 have two prices on the obi.
