Bruce Springsteen Oakland, CA Oakland Arena November 30th, 2012 Total Time: 3:08:44 Stilagrrl recording Edirol R-09HR w/built-ins--> .flac files obtained somewhere Converted to .wav (16/44.1)using dBPowerAmp--slight editing done using Magix AudioLab and GoldWave-- split into tracks with CDWave--reconverted to .flac(level 8) using dBPowerAmp. DISC ONE (74:55) 01) intro 02) Land Of Hope And Dreams 03) Cover Me 04) Adam Raised A Cain 05) Something In The Night 06) Hungry Heart 07) We Take Care of Our Own 08) Wrecking Ball 09) Death to My Hometown 10) My City of Ruins 11) E Street Shuffle 12) sign collection DISC TWO (71:44) 01) Pay Me My Money Down 02) The Ties That Bind 03) I'm Goin' Down 04) Devils And Dust 05) Because The Night 06) She's The One 07) Shackled And Drawn 08) Waitin' on a Sunny Day 09) Raise Your Hand 10) The Rising 11) Badlands 12) Thunder Road DISC THREE (42:05) 01) encore break 02) Kitty's Back 03) Born To Run 04) Dancing in the Dark 05) Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 06) Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out 07) outro Notes: this recording was used as part of the 3-AUD mix "Tomorrow There'll be Sunshine". It was never indexed into tracks. It is not as good as the other recordings but not terrible. So, for thye sake of completeness here it is. From the author of the matrix: "My coworker (a *huge* Boss-fan) recorded and supplied source (1), asking me if there was anything I could do with it. This is the product, as it would have been OK by itself. Hopefully, this is a worthwhile listen for any of you interested in how this blend sounds..." and "A recording done by DIME user "stilagrrl", with Edirol R-09HR w/built-ins, provided to me in 16 bit 44.1kHz format. The raw file was a bit bassy/distorted, I don't think it's as good on its own as the others. I can provide this recording in either raw or EQ'ed form by request." Other recordings from this show by Baker, Mark Persic, Scott Neal, and an ALD recording from Benchboy. Enjoy, Ivan