UPGRADES EP Pronto! It's me. Not your average Bruce collector again. Over many years, I befriend people near the band, at the label and yes other collectors all over the world. When those sources come to visit my country, I ask them to bring some rare tapes and I gave them something special in return, not always music! A few years ago I took some of the songs persons gave me and made a special collection. Odds & Sods. Hüsker Dü? Do you remember? In the last year I spend time on YouTube. A lot of time. I don't recommend it if you are trying to do your job, though it is easier when you work from home! The only good thing about COVID. I see on YouTube many people posting songs by Bruce like outtakes, rare tracks, some have been around for a long time. But one thing I notice, the quality often is not good. Did you ever collect bootleg records? Did you ever collect bootleg SINGLES? One of my favorite bootlegs is The River That Talks. Bellissimo! It was two singles in a sleeve like a double album, but smaller. The River That Talks was River outtakes of course. At the time it was VERY special because we didn't have those songs like Roulette or Restless Nights or Cindy. Now we do from Tracks and the boxset River. When I listen to Bruce songs I love on YouTube, sometimes I think, I have this song in better quality. Not perfect like Tracks but better than YouTube! So last week I had the idea to make my own The River That Talks, four songs on two "digital" singles, that are upgrades. But what do I call it? UPGRADES EP! Like Odds & Sods, my choices were random songs I like that haven't come out. Why is this song on there? That song on there, but not that other song? I don’t know. I don’t care. Blame YouTube!!! This is my UPGRADES EP. Maybe it is better for you. Maybe it isn't. I do want to thank my fellow collectors and friends who gave me these songs over the years. You know who you are. Don't be mad! UPGRADES EP 1 Drop On Down And Cover Me - 1983 The best song that still hasn't come out. Come on Bruce! While we wait for a USA box this song only lives on YouTube and sounds like merda. Mine isn't perfect but it is better than yours. 2 Darkness On The Edge Of Town - August 20, 1981 - Los Angeles, CA Everyone wants to hear Vietnam Vets show. It should be released! But they don't have it. But there is a soundboard! But it is no complete. But some of it is very good! 3 Janey Needs a Shooter – 1979 I was surprised Bruce used this on Letter To You. Strange but cool. I like the original. 4 A Love So Fine – February 5, 1975 – Bryn Mawr, PA Why haven't they released this show?!! It sounds SO good already. And why didn't they release Born to Run outtakes like this one?