1. 9/21/78 Passaic "We love you Bruce." "Thank you. 2. 12/16/84 Atlanta Glory Days "... some girl telling you what're you doing, what're you doing now?... giggle" 3. 12/16/84 Atlanta My Hometown "... right here in Memphis... sorry... that's what happens when... (laugh)... go ahead give it to me I deserve it. (audience boos) Bruce laughs. "Right here in Atlanta (cheers, more laughs). Oh I'll never live that one down" (more laughs) 4. 12/16/84 Medley "... by the early early morning to the n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n I see Miss Molly rocking at that house of blue lights" 5. 10/30/80 LA Rosy "now how many know what unrequited means?" 6. 1/10/85 Japan Do You Love Me "what I came here to find out is... I mean what I really want to know is... I'm getting to it, I'm getting to it... giggle... what I want to know is... Do You Love Me?" 7. 7/5/78 LA Prove It "I come into town, they put this... when you got records out they put up, these big billboards up, you know and like they're funny cause I came into town and I seen mine and I said 'Goddamn that's UGLY', you know. So I'm ugly; I ain't that ugly though, my nose ain't that big, you know. So last night about two or three in the morning yesterday we bought all these spray cans of black paint. You should drive down there when you're finished with the show 'cause we painted it up a little bit; we made a few improvements. I couldn't reach my nose though, it was too high... it was way up there... anyway you got to Prove It All Night." 8. 8/29/78 Pittsburgh Growing Up "... and when you go to God you tell him you want to be a lawyer or you want to be a author but don't you tell him nothing about that... (audience and Bruce together) GODDAMN GUITAR" 9. 8/29/78 Pittsburgh Growing Up "Trying to find the rought spot, until I hear out of the clouds:(audience: Bruuuuuuuuuuce) "I said 'God can't you call me by my middle name... Frederick'... oh you think that's funny too? Frederick the Great, what about him?" 10. 9/17/78 Palladium She's The One "Let's try Ralph... R a a a a a a a a l p h... giggle" 11. 9/19/85 Oakland Glory Days "... man, great God almighty... now my birthday's coming up pretty soon... naw, naw, naw... like it's like I'm always, like I'm always like looking in the mirror, like seeing if I got anymore wrinkles or you know if I still got my hair or something you know, it's going man... Oh Jesus but... uh... vanity (giggle) what's that? Vanity, where is thy sting? Or what's that saying? Anyway... " 12. 8/16/89 Cheers (Unknown guy 'Way to go Bruce') "Go home." 13. 9/22/84 Pittsburgh Medley "... it ain't midnight yet is it, I'm gonna turn into a pumpkin when I hit 35, is it past midnight hour? I got 10 minutes? I got 2 minutes? Then let's keep on rocking" 14. 10/25/84 LA Pink Cadillac "... and the Lord sat back and said 'What the fuck is this?... " 15. 10/26/84 LA Going Down "... always before you go out you're taking that extra time, like, to try and get all dressed up for them I remember like I had this one girlfriend. She used to like cologne, now I never wore cologne, but I went down to the drug store and it's, it's hard to buy cologne because anything you ask for sounds stupid. Like if you say 'Give me some Brut, will you?' They all have like macho names you know like 'Give me some Chaps'... smell like a cowboy and... uh... the girls they do the same thing though. They get all that perfume, you know. You can always tell what kind of date it's gonna be if it's a one, two or three perfume place... giggle. They MUST think that that's where your nose is gonna go for that's where they put it... " 16. 11/27/80 MSG Rosy "... this is a sad song of violent sex and unrequited love... uh one, two, tree, four... " 17. 10/2/75 Milwaukee Sha La La "... the guitar broke; Steve's guitar broke... moment of silence... giggle... " Steve: "That's all right" Bruce: "We'll play, you'll get your guitar in a minute... we'll play without Steve. Steve you just sing on this one." 18. 8/15/78 Largo Spirit "... that was my two weeks of basic training there... oh goddamn it, everything's messed up now. See I fucked everything up here... giggle... this is professional show business. We'll have it together in a minute here all right... giggle" 19. 3/24/85 Sydney Glory Days "... now when I was young... youngER. I was only interested in three things. See like my Daddy he was a pool player so like, I tried to learn how to play pool real good so I could beat him. Then I was interested in the guitar and then the third thing I was interested in wa-a-a-sssss. You got three guesses... it's a common interest... it's smaller than a bread box" 20. (Some lady yells "Bobby Jean!!!") Bruce: "(?)... laugh... I appreciate the thought... laugh" 21. 3/27/85 Sydney Open All Night "... about a month later I had to go to traffic court so I go down to traffic court. I hope nobody's gonna recognize me or nothing and I'm sitting there. Now in traffic court you can plead; there's three things you can plead: one, you can plead guilty. Now nobody pleads that because they don't want to admit that they did what they did. You can plead innocent and nobody wants to plead that because they know the judge ain't gonna believe them or you can plead guilty with an explanation. Everybody pleads that. If you sit in traffic court all night you think everybody... the whole world is guilty with an explanation. So I was sitting there, a guy gets up before me and you go to this little microphone and he was caught speeding. He was caught doing... I think 75 on a side street and his explanation was that he was drunk and he thought he was out on the highway. So after that, you know, after that explanation, whatever explanation, whatever I had to say was gonna sound good I thought you know, so, so I get up there, I get in front of the mike and I say 'Well judge it... it... it... it... all started like... like... like... Well I had... " 22. 3/27/85 Sydney Open All Night "... so I stood there in front of the judge but the judge didn't budge he did (?) He fined me, I had to show him my license, my registration but I brought the wrong registration. He said 'Son you're gonna sit here till you show me the right registration. I said 'But judge but... but... ' He said 'Don't worry cause we're Open All Night.''' 23. 3/27/85 Sydney River "Bruuuuuuuuce" 24. 3/27/85 Sydney Glory Days "... I was bad at my studies, I was bad at sports, I was bad at... a wide range of activities. The only good thing that happened to me in high school was I got interested in the guitar. Now I was already interested in the other thing but as time passed and I matured the guitar was the only one that I got very good at, see that's why the shows are so long cause the other thing happens so fast all the time but that's all right see cause I'm still looking for some volunteers that want to practice, practice, practice... 25. 3/27/85 Sydney G. Up "... Mr. Springsteen what's your problem?" 26. 6/29/84 St. Paul Medley "Somebody gave me a hat here and on this hat it says The Boss. Now I want everybody to know I hate being call The Boss but... but... sometimes I like it." 27. 8/23/81 LA Rosy "Before I introduce the Big Man, I'd like to say, bring it down a little boys, that my folks are here tonight and as you know without them I wouldn't be here. Now this is usually the chance when they come down and they try to talk me back into going back to school or they try to get me going back home. Well this is usually the chance when I get to tell them, like 'I told you so, see?' All that kind of stuff, but tonight I'm not gonna tell them that. I'm gonna let you tell them. I'm gonna let you tell them. Ready? One, two, three." Audience: "I told you so" Bruce: "Oh yeah, thank you, thank you." 28. 8/12/84 Meadowlands My Hometown "I wanted to change everything. I wanted to, I wanted to take off, change everything about myself, I was gonna change my name. I always wondered, I always used to bother my mother... ask her why she call me Bruce... " Audience: "Broooo-o-o-o-oce"laugh... "That's why... sounds good. I got used to it... got used to a lot of things... laugh" 29. 8/12/84 Meadowlands Glory Days "Now is anybody as old as me out there... as old as me tonight... see I'm old but I'm bold." 30. 8/12/84 Glory Days "I had a terrible time back then, I wasn't good at sports, I wasn't good at my studies, I wasn't good at... I got a little bit better at that since then... that's right... anyway... " 31. 9/12/84 Spectrum Glory Days "... now the guitar I got good at, the other one, I'm still looking for some volunteers who want to practice, practice, practice... (lots of screams)... laugh I'll never be lonely again... right?... laugh giggle... Oh Jesus. All right." 32. 10/11/80 Chicago Fire "This next song is a sad song of deep, unrequited, passionate love. Have you ever been in love?" (Unknown crazed woman: "I love you Bruce!") 33. 10/11/80 Here She Comes "... she didn't ever even look at us... " (Unknown crazed woman: "What was she, blind?") 34. 10/11/80 Ties "Let me see the face that belongs to that voice... goddamn I'm gonna kill you." 35. 6/8/81 Birmingham Sweet Soul "Spotlight on my personal self now. Don't I look great now? Rocking and a rolling. Oh yeah, oh yeah" 36. 5/5/81 Norway Rosy "... and oh I forgot. Bigger than life and twice as natural... Me" 37. 5/16/81 Scotland, Rosy "... bigger than life and twice as natural... Me" 38. 9/23/85 Denver Going Down "... oh yeah... yeah and then you know, the girls are like putting perfume on all them other places besides behind their ears and stuff... giggle... oh... oh God... yeah... like, you know, you start, you know taking like about 20 minutes to a half hour to shave, you know; make sure you got every spot and stuff... giggle. But anyway, you know, you come back about a year later and it's like... uh... are we going out tonight or do I have to sit around here and look at your face all night long? Are you gonna make love to me tonight or do we have to wait for the full moon again? Oh... no more perfume either... oh damn... I don't know why does that happen, why does that happen anyway?" 39. 9/23/85 Denver Glory Days "... being that today is my b-b-b-b-b-b my b-b-b-b-b-b my b-b-b-b-b the day that I was born. Oh yeah... man. Thirty six now man... that's old... big giggle... anybody else my age out there... oh there's got to be somebody, I don't know, man. But I feel young tonight, I feel handsome, I feel at my sexual peak. Oh yeah... giggle... oh man. See I always got some inspiration from the Big Man... he's 44... " 40. 9/23/85 Denver Glory Days "... it's your birthday man, that's a drag. I mean people coming up to you all day singing Happy Birthday and calling you the birthday boy and you look like a monkey and you are one too. All those rhymes, you know all that birthday stuff... man... goddamn. Anyway." 41. 9/20/78 Passaic Jungleland "... always silent, holding hands... giggle... from the churches to the jails... giggle... there is silence in the world... '' 42. 9/20/78 "... thanks... (Broooooooce)... giggle. All right we're gonna take a 20 minute break and we'll be back to do another set for you. We got a surprise for you second set... OK you guys are gonna be surprised. You wait and see, we'll be back in 20 minutes." 43. 9/11/84 Spectrum P. Cadillac "... now as for me, when it comes to dying I'd rather be in Philadelphia." 44. 6/12/85 Rotterdam Glory Days "... who we got out there over 30 years old tonight... me. Right? giggle... I'm a little bit over 30" 45. 11/4/76 Palladium Growing Up "Everybody had one but me... giggle... laugh... Professor please... 46. 11/4/76 Palladium Growing Up but wait a minute you want to be a king, you want to be a emperor, you want to own your own Pizza Hut... just tell me... tell the gypsy lady, I'm right here. I said 'Well well to be honest with you, not to pull any punches, what I really had in mind was... uh... I think I could dig... uh... I think I could... uh I think I'd like... uh... I think I want to be... I think I want to be... I think I want to be a rock and roll star... '" 47. 11/4/76 Palladium She's The One Clarence: "and there was... naw, naw it was, it was two nuns, where's he at, no no really it was two du... we are gathered here today... " Bruce: "I'm gonna tell you exactly what's going down. These guys told me that some asshole called up and said there's a fuckin bomb in the place, it's like I don't know if there is, I don't know if there's not. I'd advise everybody to check under your seat, you know, it's like, really it's like, you know, I don't know. What the hell. Check it out... giggle" Clarence: "There's a bunch of bums in here." Bruce: "Bunch of bombs in here... me... oh shit... so like check it out and we're gonna bring them up... so... " Steve: "The next sound you hear... " Bruce: "And if you see something under there and it ain't your pocketbook or it ain't, you know whatever you stuck under there don't fuck with it, you know, cause it's like, it could be, you know but otherwise, you know, what the hell... " Clarence: "I'm ready." Steve: "Safer in here with a bomb than outside anyway." Bruce: "Wait about 30 more seconds... " Clarence: "and if it don't go off.." Bruce: "Happy New Years. "If it don't go off then I don't know what to do... check in that saxophone... Eddie check in your horn... nervous laugh... call a fellow by the name of Mike Appel... giggle... aha... anybody get blown up? No? All right anybody got blown up raise their hand." 48. 11/4/76 10th Ave. "I seen Joe Tex do that a thousand fuckin times." 49. 7/23/84 Toronto Glory Days "... during the week, except we had this one rainout game and they rescheduled it for, like, Saturday morning like 9 o'clock... that was the last time I ever got up at 9 o'clock... laugh... " 50. 10/28/76 Palladium Rosy Lots of tuning sounds... more tuning... "ah shit... giggle. Hey man are we gonna let a little thing like a guitar out of tune stop us... naw. Wherever you are... " 51. 8/5/84 Meadowlands Sherry "I'm stuck here in traffic on that goddamn New Jersey Turnpike." 52. 8/5/84 Glory Days "... and then I joined the Little League and then I got around high school age I joined the Babe Ruth League... I was doing better, I only had one problem, I couldn't hit, I couldn't throw, I couldn't catch but I wasn't gonna let those details stop me." 53. 12/17/84 Atlanta Glory Days "... oh yeah, I'm in love, everyday, all right, oh yeah, all right, that's nice, oh yeah" (all sung in whispers) 54. 11/27/80 MSG Rosy "... what time is it? It's Boss time." 55. 12/17/84 Atlanta Dancing "When you're The Boss everyday's like Christmas." 56. 12/17/84 Atlanta Reason "We're gonna do a long show so... (cheers) save your FEETS till later." 57. 9/4/85 Pontiac Glory Days "I'm coming to get you now. Look out, I feel handsome tonight." 58. 12/17/84 Atlanta T&S "... now girls do YOU understand what I'm talking about?" 59. 11/5/80 Tempe Fire ... "and then... and Then... and THEN... two, three, four... " 60. 5/27/78 Spectrum Rosy "I want to do this song for Dr. John Winterhouse. I was sleeping the other night, I woke up and my front tooth fell out and I went down to see Dr. John there and he put it back in. I got to eating all that (?). This is for Doc, it was gonna be me and Leon Spinks... " 61. 3/11/74 Houston Give me "Operation, emergency surgery on my guitar... stitch them up... (?) a new intestinal tract. You folks are in for a treat while I'm changing this string... " 62. 10/11/80 Chicago Fire "... have you ever been in love?" Audience: Yes Crazed woman: "I love you Bruce!" 63. 5/5/81 Oslo You Better "... You better not, you better not, you better not, you better not, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, I'm talking to you, now Steve I went downtown, down to the mall, I started looking well that's all, same old thing, everyday, always gonna be that way, you can look, you can look, you can look, but you can't, but you can't, but you can't, but you can't, whoa, oh oh oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, oh now now now now, oh oh oh oh... " 64. 12/31/78 Cleveland T. Road "... giggle... save that thing, save it... giggle... this is for all the heartbreakers out there. Come on Roy, Thunder Road." 65. 8/27/81 LA G. Up "There we were, it was me and Steve and the Big Man, we was walking home down the boardwalk one night... it was a long time ago, and it was raining. We couldn't get a break, we couldn't find no jobs, nobody would hire us (?) on the streets, we were feeling pretty old, I mean we were feeling real old. Yeah, I was just waiting to get home and throw some Pop Tarts in that toaster, put on some Johnny Carson show, get back in the bed, lay back try to forget my problems. We said, boy remember we used to talk how we was never gonna get old... never. Now here we are... I feel them wrinkles flying in my head right now! So we all went home and we went to bed. And I remember... all I remember is... is laying there before I went to sleep thinking about... I remember I read that book Peter Pan when I was a kid. This Peter Pan, man, he, this cat said, this cat said you don't never have to get old wherever he lives and here we are, feel my back's killing me... my feet's killing me and all the sudden I hear something up on the roof. We climbed out the window. We didn't know what it was so we attacked it. Now I said 'Wait a minute, wait a minute, this is Peter Pan we just knocked out man, my nephews are gonna kill me when they hear about this'... why I may have to... first of all he got real old... and then he put on a lot of weight too. He don't look so good in that suit no more. We didn't know what the heck we was gonna do. We decided we better wake this cat up before the kids in the neighborhood hear about this... get some water... get some... wake this cat up. Yeah and the cat started to come to... 'Get up here now Pete' and he changed a lot since he was little. We said... 'We ain't, we ain't no suckers, we got Peter Pan here, we're gonna make a deal with him right now. We said 'Peter we heard about all this flying stuff, now why don't you sprinkle a little of that pixie dust so we can take off. This stuff better work too! I oh yeah, yeah (?) Now boys if I remember right, now you got to think some, you got to think some nice thoughts. Clarence that leaves you out, all right? (?) we worked that stuff for an hour and a half, we didn't get no place so we started to get mad, we said 'Pete you better come up with some goods but fast, you won't get back to Never Never Land. We gonna send you back to Never Never Land, you got to come across with some goodies'. That's before we knew we had the secret... now... " 66. 5/23/88 MSG Raise "... you're bullshitting you ain't got it man, you ain't got it... you can't handle it man, it's late Monday night, you got to get up and go to work tomorrow, you got to get up and go to school tomorrow. Well are you talking to me? Well I just worked my ass off for three hours you better talk louder than that man. Are you ready for a little religious liberation?... " 67. 10/3/80 Ann Arbor Ramrod "This is called... R A M R O D... giggle" 68. 11/19/84 Kansas City Glory Days "Look out now, all right, oh yeah, all right, oh yeah, all right, oh yeah, all right, come on now, all right, oh yeah, whoo-o woo-o, woo-o woo-o, woo-o, all right, oh yeah all right... " 69. 9/17/78 Palladium Prove It "You just can't do it once, you do it all night... " 70. 4/29/76 Memphis Rosy "Last but not least, the King of the World, the Master of the Mother Fucking Universe, on the saxophone, Clarence Clemons." 71. 12/5/87 Stone Pony "There was an Italian and an Irishman. They were in the bar, Irishman said 'Italians are so stupid they don't even know what Easter is'. Italian said 'Easter, Jesus Christ rises from the tomb, rolls away the stone and if he sees his shadow... ' It's the only joke I know... " 72. 7/6/85 Wembley Glory Days "oh, oh, oh, oh, (Audience Echoes), oh oh oh oh (A.E.) oh, oh, oh, oh, (AE) gooba, gooba, gooba (AE) oh oh oh oh (AE) Yabba, yabba yabba you (AE) oh oh oh oh (AE) woo-o oh yeah (AE) woo-o all right (AE) sounds good (AE) woooo(AE) shees (AE) wait a minute now (AE) no no not now (AE) now wait just a minute (AE) you're messing with me now (AE) ho ho ho ho (AE) 73. 3/27/85 Sydney J. Bye Bye "... Oh... this is a song I can't (?) this is a... we used to... when, I was in my late teens I used to get around by hitch hiking all the time and... uh. Me and all my friends used to hitch hike and we come and see who could tell the best hitch hiking stories. Man, I had... that picked me up and he was so... I remembered you always got picked up by these guys with souped up cars and they insisted on showing you how fast that thing went down the Garden State Parkway. I got in with one guy and I think he was in a Plymouth Road Runner, I think it was a Road Runner, and he started hauling down the turnpike. Man he's, he's going about 100, 110. I'm watching the speedometer go up and I'm start... man, gee, I get off right up here... giggle... it's not that far you better slow down because I get off right up here... like... (?) and we start to slow down. We come into traffic and like he's talking to me and he's not watching where he's going and he got down to about 25 miles and he rams into the rear end of the car in front of us and then he jumps out and you figure he was gonna, like he was real mad, gonna start screaming. Instead he jumped over the hood and runs off into the woods by the side, so like, so I got out of the car and then the woman, the woman who he hit gets out and like she's going like 'whiplash, whiplash' and she sees me and she thinks I was driving. She says, "Where's your license?" I said, "I don't have my license, lady, I was just riding, you know?" She says, "Oh yeah well where, you know, where's the driver?" I said, "He ran off into the woods" and then I realized that most likely that the car I was riding in was not that gentleman's car, and then I ran off into the woods. I remember I stayed in the woods for like two hours walking backwards trying to get out of the way, afraid the cops were gonna come. But I guess the best hitch hiking story I ever heard was a friend of mine came home and claimed that he'd been picked up by Elvis Presley on the turnpike you know. He said it was real late at night. He said this big black limousine pulled up, the door opened and a big guy got out of the front seat and he climbed in and said Elvis was sitting in there with a girlfriend and the big guy I guess must have been one of his bodyguards. Said he got in behind him and he said they rode for about ten miles and he couldn't think of anything to say whatsoever. He claimed that Elvis had said the reason he picked him up was because he remembered breaking down in the Cadillac that they had on the road in the early days, somebody giving him a lift. So I never knew whether to believe it or not. It was one of those stories you kind of hoped it was true. I remember when a friend of mine called me up and told me that Elvis had died I thought, I thought back to that story. I wondered like, what I would have said to him if I'd been out on that highway that night and uh I guess... uh... just would have said ... "Thanks for the ride." 74. 8/8/84 Meadowlands Used Cars "... my mother she'd wake us up to go to church. And she had this technique where she'd give you ten minutes, then five minutes and then she'd be standing over you with a cold glass of water. "You gonna get up? Are you gonna get up now?""... Mom, just 5 more minutes, Ma, just 5 more minutes" "Happy water". So anyway, I (?) was a altar boy (big audience laugh) only for about two, only about two masses. Couldn't learn all that Latin. You know, I used to go, I used to kneel and I used to like, the kid next to me used to know it pretty good and I'd be like ... 'nommm-m-m-m-m-m' You can't tell with Latin. It sounds, you do that and it sounds like that's what you're saying. But I did a couple of serves." 75. 7/12/78 Dallas Rosy "... but then I heard the bartender say "Son you'd better vamoose cause here comes Jose." I said "Big deal, bring him on.'" 76. 10/27/76 Spectrum G. Up "Ed Sciaky what do you want to be when you grow up. And Ed said 'Sister I want to be a cheeseburger.'" 77. 10/27/76 Spectrum Growing Up "People, people send stuff backstage all the time. But most of the time they send like, they send like flowers and stuff. Oh yeah, what am I gonna do with flowers? (?) send socks, tube socks preferably" 78. 6/29/84 St. Paul Medley "All this jumping around tires you out. Oh. That's when I rest instead of jumping around a whole lot. I jump around a little bit, I practice my break dancing, my moon walking and then sometimes I just go in for freeform." 79. 4/4/85 Melbourne "... when you go to traffic court you got three things you can plead... not counting insanity... " 80. 9/8/81 Horizon Jungleland "I forgot the words... " 81. 8/20/84 Meadowlands P. Cadillac "... on the 4th day he created... (pause) Audience: Brooooooooooce "Thank you for the compliment but that's not the way it was... " 82. 8/20/84 T&S "This is our last night and... " (Brooooooooooooooooce) giggle... "that's the name my mother gave me." 83. 5/11/81 Manchester Aft. Racing "I don't know if anybody seen us we were here in '75" Some guy yells ... 'Yeah!' "Did you really?" 'Yeah!' "Thank you." 84. 7/14/78 San Antonio Audience yells "Fever!" Bruce: "Oh no! I thought I'd get by, I thought I'd get by one night without somebody yelling out that song. Every place I've gone for the past five years somebody yells out... Fever. How many of you guys have heard this song really?" 85. 7/18/78 Jackson, MS Before For You "I was in the bathroom one night. I'm standing in the john and in comes this guy and he stands next to me and he says... " "You guys are pretty good, where youse from?" I said 'Well we're from New Jersey'. (audience cheers) At that time it got no such response... he says: "Uh well, what's that?" "You know, that's a state, that's a state you know. Suppose you fly to New York", I said, 'Rent a car, roll down the window and drive south till you got to roll em up.' (applause) Naw, no not that bad see only, see, people mistake, they think that north Jersey, which is, which... has a resemblance to the moon, you know. Ever drove through north Jersey all you see are these big industrial things and like craters, you know, for about twenty miles. Well you get down around Asbury Park and it's all right. Anyway this was all leading up to this... " 86. 7/18/78 Before Prove It "I think on this song, on this song we're gonna be on the news... so... at eleven o'clock tonight... so. If everybody who notices a camera in your direction please act like you're going crazy... girls pass out (?) guys scream, tear off your shirts. We appreciate it and you'll help out. I got a big pimple on my face; maybe they'll shoot you guys instead... " 87. 10/17/76 Williamsburg "This is a sad song about a girl who left me when I shaved off my beard whom I hold dearly in my heart, you know where ever you are... Rosy come out tonight... " 88. 10/30/76 Palladium Bef. G. Up "... It's funny, it's like, you know, it's like you can't, you can't look cool and feel cool at the same time, you see. It's impossible, right? It is, you know. Feel like you're stuffed. I haven't worn a suit since my confirmation, (giggle) and like you know, it's like it's funny you get dressed like before a show, you always say 'Oh man I look so sharp in this suit' and then, then when you get out there and when you go... 'Oh man' then I feel like a stick. But you know my relatives came out (?) Uncle Gene... wait a minute, he's out there, wait a minute, Uncle Gene... where is he? Keep looking for him... this is for my Uncle... Town & Country Cycle (cheers)... that's me... it's me... Professor... 89. 7/5/84 Cincinnati Glory Days "I got a letter backstage tonight, It's from... uh... Bev Neubauer. I know you're out there somewhere. She says she's in the cheap seats so she's got to be way back there somewhere... all right (?) She says, she says, 'I have been married for senenteen years to a most fantastic and thoughtful man, (that's long). This year he turns forty and he could use a little boost emotionally. Since he does so many special things for me, I would appreciate it if you could dedicate a song to him. His name is Ed... Ed I know you re out there, now you're gonna be forty... that's not that bad. It better not be cause I'm almost thirty five. That's old... it's not old. Um... I guess there's not much consolation I can give to you about getting old. Big Man what's... how old are you? The Big Man is forty... forty two! Now Ed stop worrying about it." 90. 9/15/78 Interview w/ Carol Miller Carol Miller: "Do people recognize you in the street in New York?" Bruce: "Not too much, you know, once in awhile, you know... um. Once in awhile somebody will come up to me and go... Al Pacino! (giggle, laugh, giggle) You know it's like, you know like I say no, no, no, wrong guy, you know but... uh. I'm not super recognizable, at home sometimes a little bit, you know, uh, once in awhile not that much, you know. I don't have any particular... uh... used to be would recognize like my beard or they would recognize my hair or my, or my hat or my jacket, but nobody would really recognize my face, you know" 91. 12/19/78 Portland Thunder Road "... well sing... " Audience (weakly) "Show a little faith, there's magic in the night. You ain't a beauty but hey you're all right." "Practice, practice, you guys need practice!" 92. 12/19/78 Portland Santa "... it was about... when did we live down on 6th Avenue? We had that place, ... 69... 68... 68... 1968 and me and Steve we were living in Asbury Park on this place down on 6th Ave., 1610 (giggle). I remember that place because it was the only time we used to live together; was in the attic. We had this place up in the attic. I had the couch... did you have a bed? I don't think you had a bed. We had two couches and I... remember the joint for two reasons. One because it was the only time I ever washed the dishes. I... flooded... I left the water uh I went and talked on the phone for an hour; flooded all the apartments downstairs. The other reason was I went to the dentist. Now you guys go every month or something (laugh). That was in 1968. I went again last month (laugh). Passed the test. Anyway we were living down in this joint and working down, down along the beach in this bar and I remember it was Christmas Eve and we were feeling low 'cause we didn't have no girl friends, we didn't have no money and had no folks and that and so we were sitting there. We went home early, you know, put the... uh... put the old Pop Tarts in the oven, you know, the toaster and we went to bed. It was the night before Christmas all through the house there was nothing to eat but Pop Tarts. So anyway we're sleeping (some guy in the audience yells out). This is the quiet part, give me a few minutes will you? (snore) We always slept standing up with our guitars on so we'd be ready for action in case anybody wanted to sign us up... giggles. Anyway we hear this noise up on the roof, right? Now we're old, I mean we were eighteen right? He was seventeen. We don't believe in none of this Santa Claus stuff. We didn't go for any of that stuff, you know? But just in case I left a little note underneath my pillow saying what I wanted. We hear this sound up on the roof, we figure it's burglars trying to break in... steal our guitars, steal our amps... steal our money. So anyway we climb out on the roof. Now out on the roof is real dark. There's no big light like that and we can't see too good but we see somebody trying to stuff something in that chimney. Now we know it's these burglars coming to rob us so we sneak up on this dude. I say Steve show him the karate move man! We get him... all right, Steven come on (thunk!). Oh oh shit, oh we got his ass... you got him man, you got him, no you got him, go on, go on see, see is he out? Is he out? Oh oh! Oh shit! We fucking knocked out Santa Claus man! Oh man I thought he was dead a long time ago. My father told me he was dead when I was six years old, that's how come I never got presents after that. Goddamn it. I don't know what to do now. Wait 'til my little sister hears about this. Probably supposed to be like in China by now or something. What the hell was he stuffing in the chimney. Hey he was stuffing my present in there... 57 Chevy... with a brunette in the front seat. Oh! Some Christmas! Oh shit, Santa you all right man? Better try and wake this cat up man. Santa... ho-ho-ho all that stuff. Give me some of that snow, bring it on over here (audience cheers) Not THAT kind! Jeez! Sorry Santa. Think he's coming around man. Hey Santa let me hear you baby. (Ho-Ho-Ho) Oh the dude's all right man (Ho-Ho-Ho)... " 93. 8/28/84 Largo Ind. Day "Now the darkness... (pause)... this town... uh... I forgot the words... does anybody out there remember this... (cheers)... that's the words I just sang... (more cheers)... this doesn't happen every night... (cheers)... pause... (loud cheers)... Oh! Now I don't know what it always was with us... (skip to end) "That's not supposed to happen, I'm supposed to be The Boss (?) thanks for your patience... that was a good try... oh damn... now we're gonna do one I know all the words to... (cheers)" 94. 8/10/78 Rochester Thunder Road "... don't run back inside you know just what I'm here for" (There is a noise from the amp and Bruce laugh/sings.) 95. 10/29/76 Palladium Growing Up "... I hit my nose on the steering wheel... that's why it looks like this... giggle" 96. 10/29/76 Palladium Rosy "... every time I go over to see my Mother she makes me look at my yearbook, you know, she says: 'Come on sit down look at the yearbook with me' I say 'Ah Ma, I look at that thing every time I come over here.' OK so I sit down I look it and on the first page, like the dog ate the cover off it, but on the first page, on the inside there's this stuff, like from this girl, you know. I forgot she wrote me, you know and it was stuff like, uh, you know, uh... 'Good luck'... uh... 'in the future and 'I know that we'll always be in love and at least, you know, my half will' and stuff like, like uh, you know '"When you touch me it feels like nobody else' and uh, you know this is, you know embarrassing stuff. You know, but it's like, but and she wrote all this stuff... 'We'll be together forever and stuff and she ran off with this guy that ran this gas station down on the highway. Like, you know, people like, you know these are life's little lessons, you know it's like... forever, it's (giggle) that's such a long time sometimes (laughing). But in my heart I still love her so... so wherever she is tonight... Rosy, come out tonight." EDITOR'S NOTE: the above story there are 12 "you knows," 10 "likes", 6 "stuffs" and only 5 "uhs". 97. 10/30/76 Palladium " ... shut... up! Be grateful... here for fun." 98. 7/29/78 St. Pete "How many folks from... uh... anybody from New Jersey here (many cheers). Wait a minute, wait... who's from Florida? (more cheers). That's too close for comfort. That's the same people that follow me around every place. You think you're a big deal, you sell out some place and it's the same people coming. 99. 7/29/78 After Spirit "Somebody drooled on my shirt. " 100. 6/30/78 Berkeley Racing "My parents they live about a half hour away from here and I got a sixteen year old sister and she's a... eh! (giggle) Which is sort of funny 'cuz I haven't seen her in about a year or so and you come home and like she's like I remember; last time I was home she's like skating around this little ice skating uniform and I come home this time like she's got a bee-hind and she's got all that other stuff, you know and she says, she's 'Come on I'll take you out, we'll cruise El Camino' so that's what she says to me, right? We go out and she's got like, she wrecked my mother's Toyota. My mother had this Toyota and she smashed up the front end so she could get another car to get the insurance so she's got this like this late sixties Cougar, you know. Its got (?) 302, eight cylinder, pretty, you know real peppy and like uh Earl Scheib paint job, you know still $39.95 or what, is it up? I remember Earl Scheib paint 'cuz I got in a fight with this guy. Earl Scheib used-a like, used-a like leave the windows down he'd do the interior for free... leave your little brother in the front seat and paint him too, no extra charge. So liked uh, remember I got in a fight it was uh, usually stop fighting about eighteen or nineteen. I stopped when I was about ten 'cuz I got beat all the time. These hands just were not dangerous weapons, you know it's like I remember I got in a fight. This guy I remember; I beat the hell out of his hood with my forehead, you know put dents in the thing. It must of been Earl Scheib paint job 'cuz I had blue paint in my hair for three days. It's like ain't that something. Anyway this is for her, this is for all the car boys around here. This is called Racing In the Street.'' 101. 6/30/78 Berkeley Before Fire "Here's a song, it's a... (whooooeeee)... it's for you baby. It's a song for that girl... this is on Robert Gordon's (?) all right. This is on Robert Gordon's second album." 102. 11/11/84 Denver Pink Cadillac "Now this is a song about ancient history. I'm not talking about the kind of stuff you learn in school. I don't mean the Mesopotamians or the... or the... the... who else was back there... the Babylonians or the Trojans or the Eyetalians." 103. 6/30/78 Berkeley Before Rosy "... anybody know any dirty jokes... any clean jokes? A cappella? I don't think you're ready for a cappella with this band. We can't sing, we got... That's a funny thing with this band, we always had a hard time singing harmonies. We don't have like a what is known as, what we don't have is five good voices. We got like... we got... one (giggle)... two. Oh bring me a home where the gonna take a nap, OK (guy in the audience yells: What are gonna fall back on?) Laugh, ho oh. Good thing my father ain't here to hear that. I got something (here?) It's not working. (guitar tuning). That's Miami Steve's guitar. His guitar stinks. That's why he don't use it he says (more tuning). You... have a spare? (tuning) Hey wait a minute, I'm threatening the saxophone player (more tuning) It sounds so bad I can't believe it (more tuning) when in trouble just turn it up... that's uh... Wherever you are... " 104. 10/12/76 Rutgers Raise "Do you understand? Do you UNDERstand? (singing) Do you understand? Come on just raise your hand." 105. 6/18/85 Munich Before Can't "... and uh, I told em I had my picture on the cover of Time and Newsweek. I did once too!... (giggle, chuckle, laugh) But they didn't believe me." 106. 10/2/76 Oakland Rosy "... she don't see me no more since I shaved off my beard, you know. She said: "Bruce where'd you get that nose?" giggle... She didn't see it when the beard was there... had to check it out (?)" 107. 6/18/85 Munich Glory Days "... I feel about 135... something... giggle. This is a song about how you go out in a bar or, like you go to one of those those bars that you guys have here with them beers the size of your head. Man, how do you drink them things all the time. I had about three and I was... oh man... " 108. 12/20/78 Seattle Pretty Flamingo "Every day about five o'clock this girl walked by the house. She was the kind of girl you would see but you would never go up and talk to her or nothing you know, like we were never gonna talk to nobody cause our noses were so big. Something like that can happen to you in life you know, if you let it get to you. But so anyway we sat there on the stoop... with our big noses... and we watch this girl walk by every single day for I don't know how long. All summer long, and we decided that we were gonna try and get some guitars... go down to the Western Auto store... got my first guitar at the Western Auto store. It was hanging up beside the mufflers. It was $18.95... 'Give me that one Mister'. I got the thing and we came back and I played the guitar... he played the tambourine (keek, keek, keek) and like, you know, but she'd walk by and wouldn't even notice, wouldn't even look. We'd be out there doing 'Twist and Shout', doing with our moves. That's how I got all these moves. Every day I'd be out in front of my house, you know. Nothing. And then for a while we realized we wasn't the only guys on the on the block trying to get her attention. We'd be sitting there and we'd see Clarence, who we didn't know at all at the time, come by riding on his bicycle with no hands playing a saxophone. We said 'Man if that cat can't get her attention we ain't got a chance'. And I was right. We didn't and we never did. So I don't know where she is now back home maybe." 109. 5/3/88 Mt. View Little Latin Lupe Lu "... now I don't really know what to do right here cause we haven't played this song in about 10 years you see, but I'm gonna think of something in a minute. Little Latin Lupe Lu... and I'm afraid of what it's gonna be... I KNOW what it's gonna be... it's a song that... what should it be boys? What Bubba? Naw, naw let's not do that let's do... uh... we did that right? Little Latin Lupe Lu... I got to do something that's gonna inspire me. It's got to feel good. It's got to send these people home rocking baby. It's got to send em home nice and toasty, you know what I mean. So bring this thing up and then follow me boys... you better watch me now. I'm about to get real good. I can't stand myself baby. You know what I mean. Let's stop this thing right here. Now a little guitar please. What can I say... " 110. 9/21/78 Passaic Racing "Now some guys... oh wait a minute now I screwed up the words... me and my partner... " 111. 12/16/78 San Fran. Racing "Tonight, tonight the strips just right... forgot the words... (audience cheers) I want to blow em off in my first heat... " 112. 9/21/78 Sweet Little Sixteen "... all right here's a birthday song to myself, how's that? Sixteen going on 102. Let's see if I'm rea(?). Well they're really rock... yeah I got it... " 113. 9/3/76 Saginaw Fire (some idiot yells)... "a little privacy please... excuse me I'm working now (idiot) oh now I'm gonna do this song... uh... this was on Robert Gordon's second album. This is a song... these girls ask for it down here... this is called Fire. Where, where you guys from... Canada!? Ain't Canada a long ways from here? Huh? It's close?? Oh... Canada... I thought that was... uh (idiot)... all right, all right here we go. It's a long ways from New Jersey (idiot) (idiot). Where'd you get that hat? Your mother must of bought you that hat (idiot!). All right this is for all these, this is for these little girls down here... " 114. 8/23/75 Atlanta E. St. Shuff. "... About three years ago me and Steve, guitar man and my bass player, Garry, we had this, we had this band in Asbury Park. We were working this little bar. It was this place called the Student Prince. We was playing all the time right? It was like this little club, you know. It was this little place we played at there. We'd been down playing in that area for six or seven years and we're playing this club. We were in about fourth or fifth month at this club and we was trying at the time, we was trying to get this, like, get this, get some kind of record deal or something, you know. We was trying to figure out how we was gonna get into the big time and stuff, you know. So... so we had these cats hustling for us in New York and these cats promising to bring down these managers you know, '... Man I'm gonna bring the manager down from... these guys are gonna come down and listen to youse tonight so you better be real good.' and stuff, you know, so we'd play our... listen boys. So it's like, so me and Steve sat around late one night figuring out why we wasn't getting this break, you know. What was the matter? What, what we was missing? You figure you're always missing something, you know, if you can't get something going so we was going over it... we figured we had the right repertoire and stuff. We was playing like a lot of Chuck Berry songs and things and we figured we had the teen appeal, you know, because we had the bass player; had long hair and stuff right? Everybody... every... figure... all, all the girls liked the bass player with the long hair, you know, (giggle). So we couldn't figure out what, what was the matter right? (some guy in audience yells out) This man knows already what was the matter... you blew my whole thing. Where you from? Go back there. I don't know blew rap(?) (laugh). ANYway (laugh ) anyway it was late; late as hell, right? It was late, nasty night (more laughing) and me and Steve was walking down the street. We didn't get, you know, we didn't care about nothing. We didn't, didn't, was doing nothing. We was just trying to get home. Gonna watch some TV or something you know. So we was walking down the street like this; just the way we always walk. Steve always walks with his guitar cause he don't trust nobody with his guitar. So like, so like he always had his guitar with him, you know, so we was doing this thing. All a sudden way down the end of the street we seen something coming. We didn't know what it was (guy yells "In a white suit!") Give me a break! Give me a BREAK! Gonna get punched out. ANYway we didn't know what it was at the time so (laugh) so we got a little closer and could see it was, it was some, some, big, the biggest, the biggest thing we ever seen coming down on us at four in the morning out in the middle of Asbury Park. It was dark, it was raining and the guy was obviously carrying some appendage of malfeasance which appeared to be a saxophone. So we duck in the doorway and from way down the end of the street we heard somebody playing a few notes there and didn't know what it was. Then there was nothing. There was no sound at all. We heard the footsteps coming closer; the footsteps coming closer and the guy turned and started walking right at us and we started walking right at him. Was at this point I slowly took all the money out of my pocket and put it into his pocket. Didn't move. I hung my hat on what appeared to be the saxophone which I figured at any moment I was going get whipped over the head with it but all the guy did was... Steve... it was like nothing. But man when we touched... Sparks... "